Saturday, September 15, 2007

Obesity Problems Extend to the Skies

Many people don't understand why their expanding waistlines would affect the airlines and the business that they do. But passenger waistlines have been hitting the airlines...hard.

Over the past year the average weight of an airline passenger has increased from 180 pounds to 190 pounds. This may not seemed like much, but the airlines have spent an extra $275 million per capita on fuel this year. Not to mention the airlines have had to cut back on the people allowed on the plane due to weight capacities. This is a major hit in ticket sales and is affecting the airlines very negatively.

With fewer passengers on the planes and more fuel being needed, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that means an increase in ticket prices. Now it circles back to the consumers wanting to save money therefore not buying tickets causing the airlines to spiral down just as they did after 9/11.

1 comment:

Cucku said...

They've spent an extra $275 million per capita? So, if the average ticket costs a couple hundred dollars now, it'll cost hundreds of millions of dollars tomorrow?

I can understand why that'd be a major hit to ticket sales.

PS, lol fatties